Thursday, June 14, 2007

It Passed

The PCA's Federal Vision Report was accepted by a large majority. Most shocking of all was the rejection of a motion to examine Scripture and include exegesis in the report (Of course that would not mean that the report would be any better, just look at the OPC report).

Now we will have to see what effects this report will have on the PCA, and whether this report, ostensibly preserving the purity of the church, will maintain the peace and unity of the church.


Anonymous said...

FYI, the report was "received," not "adopted." That means (a) it has no constitutional weight whatsoever, (b) doesn't represent "the view" of the PCA (thank God), (c) should not be used as the gold standard by which to measure confessional orthodoxy (although I'm sure some will), but (d) if the "other side" doesn't try a more organized counter (i.e. beside blogging, which gets to nobody it needs to), things could go south from here. Basically the report is going to be sent around "for study" in the presbyteries, and from there individual presbyteries can handle things on their own, but beyond that the report can't be formally used for much.

Keith said...

Thanks for the clarification. I listened to the debate from the GA with Kevin. I liked the motion which failed, but Kevin made the point that it was doomed to fail because it attempted to much and changed the original mandate.

What concerns me the most is the third recommendation and how it can be used to make the declarations a second confession. While a few of the declarations seems straighforward and easy to swallow, others (2 and 3, 5-8) I think require a lot more nuance and have not pushed the discussion forward any, and may do damage to the unity of the church.

I am concerned by what will be done with those in judicial process, and how presbyteries will act on these recommendations- even with those outside their own bounds (like the Central Carolina's accusations against Steve Wilkins).